"A little child enters your life and fills a special place in your heart. A place you never even knew was empty."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mollie and Tripp share a crib!

Our little Tripp has finally learned how to pull up on his crib! Yeah Trippy! We lowered his crib mattress and he and Mollie thought they had a new toy! After bath time, Mollie tried to teach her little brother how to jump in his crib. Unfortunately, he was gnawing on the rails as she jumped. This was really messing him up because the rails felt really good on his sore gums and her jumps were making him lose his gum grip. You see, our little Tripp still does not have any teeth. That's just fine with us because he is our last baby and he is just allowing us to enjoy all of his baby stages longer than we were able to enjoy his sister's. We videoed our little monkeys jumping in the bed because they were so cute playing together...until Mollie tackled Tripp and he started crying!

Tripp finally got up on all fours! GO TRIPP GO! Come on, let's work on going forward now.

This was our attempt to get Mollie to pose for a picture with her brother! haha. That's her foot by his face. Our little Mollie is not as camera cooperative as she used to be! And Tripp doesn't look real happy about it either! What kind of look is this on his face?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tripp's Baby Dedication Sunday 2/8/2009

These are pictures before we went to church. Tripp doesn't look real excited about our photo shoot and Mollie just wants to get down and run around the back yard.

Curtis Allen Buchanan, Jr. and Curtis Allen Buchanan, III. (The first is still inside getting dressed for church.)

We had trouble gettting a picture of everyone smiling!

Mollie heard a "hairplane"!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tripp loves playing outside! We have really enjoyed spending the day with him today. In this picture, Tripp is riding on the car his Aunt Kelli gave Mollie for her first birthday. This morning he was been rolling around inside and rocking on all fours. Crawl, Tripp, crawl! It won't be long!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Mo peas, pwease!"

Oh, we are having so much fun around our house! This is a picture of the kids playing in the bathtub. Tripp rides in his "boat" and Mollie usually pours water on him and squirts him with the bathtub frogs! The kids are feeling great, the weather is warmer and we are loving it! Mollie and Tripp have enjoyed strolling outside and playing in the backyard. Tripp loves to swing and Mollie is learning to push him gently. Mollie loves to run the perimeter of the yard and Tripp just giggles at her, which makes her run even faster and yell louder.

Mollie is eating her dinner in her high chair right now and requesting more peas...."mo peas pwease!" So cute, that little girl...and we love that she really loves her vegetables. We hope that lasts!
Tripp rolled off our bed last night! We were so scared but quickly determined he was fine. He got a red mark on his forehead but quit crying soon after. Curt and I were folding clothes and had both walked away to put them away. He had never rolled that much on our bed before, but we have learned not to walk away from him now. Mollie actually rolled off the bed at about this same age but it happened when Curt was "watching" her. I can't believe I let this happen to my little Tripp!

Mollie has learned to count to four! We are so proud. Curt likes to take credit for teaching her this new trick but he actually might have gotten a little help from Mollie's teacher at school, Mrs. Chavey. She has been working on counting in their circle time each morning.

Kaye and Curtis painted a plastic bird red and put it in the new maple tree they just planted in the back yard. Mollie loves to go outside and look at the "bud" (bird). She always says "daddy, sashee, monnie" when she sees the tree because she remembers that she ("monnie") helped her daddy and Curtis plant it.

Tripp moved to his new class at school and is adjusting as expected. He cried a little on his first day when I came back in to check on him, but was fine most of the day. He is sleeping less because he is watching all the big babies move around the room. We think he's trying to figure out how to get around like them! We sure do miss his teachers in his last classroom, Mrs. Vicky, Mrs. Mary, and Mrs. Anjani. He was with them in their class for most of his life (haha....about 6 months) and is so attached to them. It's so comforting to know that the caregivers are really loving on your baby while you're away! We are going to take all our teachers Krispy Kreme donuts in the morning for Valentine's Day!

Just so you know, most of you are being prayed for in our night-night prayers. Mollie reaches for our hands, squeezes her little blue eyes shut real hard, and grins real big! We start off by saying "God bless _____", and we let her say your names. Just fill in the blank with just about everybody Mollie ever met and you've pretty much got it covered. The prayer always ends with our favorite part, a big "A-mia" (amen). Some of you are probably wondering where Tripp is during this little prayer meeting? Little Tripp has a hard time staying awake for his bath, much less his sisters bedtime!

"Yet's sing" is a common phrase around our house right now. That's how Mollie tells us she wants to sing with you. It's hysterical because she says it in between every song! She usually starts off with "Jesus Loves Me" and then moves right on in to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". After that its usually a mix of "The Wheels on the Bus", "This Little Light of Mine", "You Are My Sunshine" and "The ABC Song". It is the funniest thing ever because she only sings every third or fourth word and makes the most serious faces! Especially on the high notes! She turns her head to the side, squints her eyes, and sings real high! And Tripp loves it!

Mollie is going to Greenville tomorrow for the weekend. Kaye and Curtis are coming to Jackson to see our new baby cousin Walter, and will take Mollie home with them. We will miss her but really enjoy spending one-on-one time with Tripp. And of course Mollie loves to go to Kaye-Kaye's house! She pulls her toys and baby dolls out, spreads them out from one end of their house to the other, sleeps on a mattress on the floor next to her "Sashee" (Curtis), and sits in their laps and eats "gits and gapes" (grits and grapes) for breakfast..... she loves to go to their house! And they are taking her to Princess Day at the Carousel in Greenville so I'm sure she'll have a great Valentines weekend.

Happy Valentine's Day to all our friends and family!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February Kick-off!

So sorry to disappoint but we don't have a new picture to post today. We've had a bit of drama around here this last week and not much time to pull out the ole camera. We'll update with pictures next time.

February has begun and brought us beautiful days and a few rough nights. Mollie has bacterial pneumonia and her fever has been spiking during the night. We've been up with her a lot because this is when she feels the worst, has chills, coughs, and feels nauseous. Our pediatrician, Dr. Smith (we love him!) told Curt that some little kids get pneumonia after surgery. Thinking back, she actually had a cough before her surgery and we wonder if the tube down her throat, combined with all the other factors of surgery and recovery, just lead to the pneumonia. She has been feeling great during the dayand we thought her fever was just connected to her surgery recovery so she has been doing fun outings here and there: Bass Pro Shop to see the fish, Krispy Kreme to watch the donuts get iced, etc... Never knew whe had pneumonia! Mollie will go back to the doctor today for another shot so we hope she'll be better soon.

Our little Tripp turned 8 months old yesterday. His baby dedication is this Sunday so we hope we can get Mollie well before then. We'd love to have her with us during the dedication service. Tripp was so cute yesterday. I was at work watching him on the camera in his classroom and I saw him scoot backwards across the room. I had to change camera views because he scooted so far out of range! He doesn't do tricks for us too much at home because his sister doesn't let him move around too much. She's usually got him pinned down. She likes to make him lay under a blanket on his belly while she pats his back (hard) and tells him "night-night" over and over. And the precious little boy just lets her do it! We know the day is coming when he gets up on all fours and makes a run for it!

Oh, something else really cute happened the other day.... we saw Mollie loving on Tripp when he was in his exersauceer playing. (By the way, thank you Mark for this! We have used this equipment SO much between these two babies. It's probably our most worn out baby gear!) Anyway, Mollie and Tripp were nose to nose (this was before we knew she had pneumonia...ugh!) and she was being so sweet to him, rubbing the top of his head and saying "hey dah-lin (darling)... hey baby...hey dah-lin"! Priceless. It makes us so happy when we see these moments of the bond growing between these two precious little souls. We know the day will come when they'll have their spats, but for now we just want to encourage them to take care of each other.

Tripp is about to move to a new class at school. He'll be moving to the oldest infant room, the room where so much development happens in such a quick time. I remember when Mollie was in this room (just last year, haha) and she learned how to feed herself little snacks she could gum on, how to crawl and pull up, how to drink out of a sippy cup, etc... They just really learn to get around in this room. I'm looking forward to this new season with my little Tripp. And before long we'll be celebrating his first birthday!

Mollie is really getting into calling her people on the phone. She walks around our house with her toy cell phones and calls all of you! She frequently "calls" Carson. This is how the conversation usually goes: "Hey, tarson! (eyes squint now)..... uh-huh...yes....casey (thats his dog)...cocoa (his other dog)....where's wiwi (william)....mommy, daddy, twipa(tripper).......uh-huh....(eyes get real big here and mouth open wide) tay-tay (kaye-kaye) and sashee ( da-tee, Curtis)......uh-huh.....twipa night-night......andy.........jew-jew(grandjoe)....uh-huh.......i WUB nu tarson......bye-bye". So cute!

We are really ready for Mollie to get well and go back to school. She talks about her friends all the time at home, especially her best friend, Lucy (woo-cy). We ran into Lucy, her mom, and her grandmother at Cheddars recently and it was so cute to see the little friends in a different environment. They really know each other! They've been together since they were 8 weeks old so it would be really strange for them to be at school without each other. (And she still has not forgotten that Brandon bit her face! Her teacher, Mrs. Chavey, says she talks about it all the time at school too! "Bannon (brandon) bite! Hurt! " Brandon really is a sweet boy and we really like his family so we hope she will forgive him at some point!

Our little cousin came home from the hospital this week! Welcome home Nick! We been real tickled that we haven't heard much from the Tucker camp since he came home. They've got their hands full with three little boys, Jack, Drew and Nick!

Looking forward to Baby Dedication this weekend!