"A little child enters your life and fills a special place in your heart. A place you never even knew was empty."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

No need to drive to the park anymore!

Our days of driving to the park with the kids and the double stroller are now over! We are so excited to have our very own swing set in our back yard! Curt and his dad built this last night and today (in between the heavy storms!) and we can't wait to let the kids play on it! Thank you so much for building this for them!

We've been spending every evening in our back yard and enjoying the great weather until time for the kid's baths. Mollie even eats her dinner on her tray in her swing most nights. The two baby swings were hanging on our back porch. Tripp is never happier than when he's in his swing. This is where we go with him when nothing else calms him.

Mollie tried out the slide a few (hundred) times today as they were building it and LOVED it! As soon as her feet hit the ground, she would immediately say "do 'gin" (do it again). She really had a great time. Curtis is going to hang two more big kid swings on it tomorrow so we can have big kids over to play too!

We are looking forward to all of our playdates in the backyard while the kids play and we grill out or relax in the rocking chairs on the back porch.