Curt kept the kids this afternoon while I ran to the doctor. Okay. So far so good. Mollie came to him while he was watching SportsCenter on ESPN (remember that as you scroll down....) and asked him to put the clothes on the baby doll. Curt noticed she had a little powder on her head, and then starting thinking that Tripp and Mollie were being kind of quiet...hmmmm...."I might better go check on what they've been doing", he thought.
He walked into Tripp's room and found a hilarious mess! Mollie had POURED, not sprinked, POURED the entire container of powder on Tripp's head. Tripp's head, face, arms, chest, everything was a solid sheet of white powder! Oh, no, not so good!
I came home about the same time and grabbed the camera to show all of you, our family and friends, what a mess I saw! I put the pictures on the computer while Curt was finishing cleaning up the mess, and then erased them from the memory stick. When I came back to post the pictures, there was an error on the computer...and our precious pictures of Tripp covered in powder are GONE, lost forever! Curt and I are both so upset, because the pictures were hilarious. Once again, our poor little second child that he is, Tripp loses his's just not fair, is it? Tripp has been bathed and now there's nothing to see. Curt and I even pondered the thought of letting Mollie recreate the scene. Scary, huh?
Well, we took some follow-up pictures. These won't be as classic as the ones at the scene of the crime, but they will show you a small glimpse of the damage that was done.
This is a rocker in Tripp's room that Curt's parents gave us when Mollie was born. Where did she get a marker...and how long was Curt watching SportsCenter? Sorry Kaye-Kaye and Sashee.
This is Mollie's room. She put powder all over her little pink stool and her kitchen!

She also put her whole "class" down for "nat-time" (naptime). Notice they are all on their bellies all over her bedroom floor. Oh, and did I mention that the maid came today before this all happened?

Okay, so now.....does anybody need a sitter? I know a really good one! haha.