"A little child enters your life and fills a special place in your heart. A place you never even knew was empty."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mollie's "Banibity" (Nativity)

"Away in a manger, no crib for a bed.....". This is Mollie's newest favorite song. Seriously. She wants to stand in front of her "banibity" (nativity) and sing this song....over and over! It's so funny to watch her play with all the wise men, animals, Joseph and Mary, Baby Jesus, etc... This Nativity is from my childhood, so somehow when I pulled it out this year the wise men had all lost their heads. I don't even think Mollie notices, she just rolls their heads around on the table! haha. It's really fun to teach her about the birth of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. On a funnier note, Mollie also likes to put Joseph in time-out, or fuss at the wise men like she's their teacher.

Mollie also has this banibity in her bedroom. Her new routine is to cradle her arms and call for us to come sing "Away in a Manger" with her before she goes to bed each night. We get really tickled because she's so serious about it.

Oh, and if you're wondering about what Tripp thinks about the nativity, he thinks Mollie's fascination with it has freed up a lot of time for him to push her pink stroller! Go Tripp!