"A little child enters your life and fills a special place in your heart. A place you never even knew was empty."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our boring coupon story

Note to the Grandparents before we get started: I know you're gonna be disappointed but there are no cute pictures of the kids on this blog entry. Just a boring story about coupons. Maybe tomorrow. :)

Okay, so picture this regular weekly shopping scenario. So we're in the grocery store with both kids. We have to really rush because we know we only have a VERY small time frame before one of the kids tries to jump head-first out of the buggy, or starts screaming and reaching for the Cheetos on the shelf. Our time is limited. And then it happens. My husband, that I love so much and never want to shop without him, asks me if I went through the coupons from the Sunday paper. Ugh. There it is, our bone of contention. We are just not in agreement on this coupon business. I answer him with an eye-roll and a "don't mess with me" look.

Those coupon inserts have always bugged me. I can't wait to throw away the newspaper because I hate the clutter. Why does Curt think I care about those stacks of sale papers, and why in the world would he think I would cut them up into little squares that just give me ANOTHER thing to have to keep up with? And most the time those coupons are for items that we don't even buy anyway, or so I thought. So that has been our coupon scenario for the past few years.

Until last Sunday. I met a lady who has older children, and used to be a penny-pinching stay-at-home mom like myself. She shared some of her money-saving ideas with me, including her "coupon binder". You can just imagine the in-my-head eye roll I hid from her when she brought up that one. But THEN she told me she hasn't paid for toiletries in YEARS. Now, she's got my attention! She uses coupons to get items free by shopping in stores that have the item on sale, and then "stacking" the coupons. An added bonus is a store like Kroger that doubles the coupons. She sees my interest and then ran out to her car to show me her coupon binder, and I must say I'm impressed. Remember, I detest cluttery coupons, but I'm all for this organization! She inspired me, and now, here I am, the proud owner of my very own coupon binder!

Curt says he always knew I'd come around. :) We saved $17 on our first grocery trip with our new binder. We were so proud, and then stood around gawking at our receipt. And I was wrong, the coupons WERE used on items we needed, and would have bought anyway. So as they say, if you can't beat'em, join 'em!

Here are two links for those of you who care to know more: