"A little child enters your life and fills a special place in your heart. A place you never even knew was empty."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to my big, tall, (and FINE!) drink of water!

Today is my man's birthday, and I have to celebrate by bragging on him. Curt is an unbelievable husband and father. There are just not many men like Curt out there anymore. I knew that when we were dating, so I hung on to Curt Buchanan for dear life! He had to be mine.

And after we married, I realized this man was even better than I thought. He loves me, no matter what, and I love him the same. But I really fall for him when I see the way he loves our children. Curt literally lights up at the sight of these little ones. I melt when I see him reach down and take the hand of his little girl, or wrap her in his arms of forgiveness after disciplining her. It's fun to watch him teach Tripp how to kick the ball, or throw it in the basket. I'm so blessed that he is my partner in parenting, and I trust him completely.

Happy birthday Curt!  We love you! 
Mary, Mollie, and Tripp