The maple tree was planted yesterday. Yes, the day of Mollie's surgery. Not for that reason, just because Curt's parents were here already for the surgery and had been planning to plant a tree this spring. Our yard needs more shade and a home for the birds (so Mollie and Tripp can see them, of course!).
These pictures are really funny to us for a couple of reasons. Notice the way Mollie is dressed. After she came home from her surgery, she insisted on putting on her princess gown. We added pajama bottoms and socks because it was really cool. Kaye-Kaye and Datee (Sa-shee as she now calls him) later added another shirt over the princess gown when we were still inside because her arms were cold. Because she didn't really need to be outside anyway, we covered her really well with her jacket and a warm hat on her head. She looks hilarious! (We didn't let her stay out too long, I promise!)
Another funny thing in this picture is that her grandmother is chasing her around with a plate on english peas and a spoon! Priceless! Kaye-Kaye was trying to make sure Mollie ate her lunch and recovered well. Kaye-Kaye ended up pushing Mollie around in her car outside for awhile and then coercing her back inside by pushing her inside as well. And then Mollie ate some more English peas for her Kaye-Kaye. Thanks to Curtis and Curt for planting our tree.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Curt's parents left for Greenville. We were all really tired because no one slept well the night before. Everyone was looking forward to a good nights sleep. Curt and I let Mollie sleep with us so we could make sure she was okay during the night. She woke up with a fever and a cough around 1:30 AM. We had been giving her Motrin and Tylenol all day and evening so we were surprised that it was around 101 degrees. We gave her more Tylenol but at 2:30 AM her fever was around 102.3 degrees. We had been told to expect a low grade fever, but were surprised it was climbing...especially after Tylenol and Motrin regularly. We usually don't freak out when our kids run fever but it bothered us (me) because she had just had surgery and was so lethargic (and had gooky matted eyes).
I went outside in the middle of the night to find her post-op papers in her diaper bag we had left in the car. I decided to try the number and see if a nurse was on call. They. paged. the. doctor.!!! Oh my! I must say I was so embarrased when he called our house (with a groggy "they woke me up"voice) at 2:45 AM. Dr. Harrison was so very kind and assured me that her body was doing what it was supposed to do by fighting the infection. He reminded me to continue the antibiotic, Tylenol and Motrin. (I knew all that. Why did I wake him up for that! Ugh!) Please send my apologies for having him paged to his family if any of you know them! This really was one of those moments you just cringe when you think back on them.
Mollie's fever broke in about an hour and we all went back to sleep. (I love it when she sweats alot because her hair just turns into ringlets! So cute!) She has run a low grade fever today but is playing with her dolls and her little baby brother. Tripp loves her so much and just gets so excited when she talks to him. It's been fun for all of us to be home playing and relaxing together. And maybe tonight we will all get that good nights sleep we've been waiting on.