"A little child enters your life and fills a special place in your heart. A place you never even knew was empty."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

2008 was good to us. Actually, 2007 was good to us too! These were the years Tripp and Mollie were born. Great years, great memories! I've never felt so blessed in my life. What more can you ask for than a happy, healthy family?

We are looking forward to all the great things ahead in 2009: Tripp will learn to walk and have his first birthday (first, he has to learn to roll around and crawl....he likes to sit still so far!), and little Mollie will likely be potty-trained this year. Everything is so new and exciting for us right now.

We hope that all our families and friends have great things ahead for them in 2009 too!

Curt and I are in Memphis now taking a few days off from parenthood. We have had so much fun just exploring different areas of Memphis and enjoying being with each other. We had lunch at Neely's yesterday, which was fun for us because we really like the Neely's show on the Food Channel. Great barbeque! Our hotel has a complimentary dinner reception at night (lasagna and a salad bar) and a HUGE free breakfast in the mornings so it's been nice to get a few free meals too. (That leaves more cash for my shopping! haha.) We went to the Memphis Grizzlies/San Antonio Spurs game and really enjoyed watching the pros play. Our tickets were $5 and then we got free bobble-heads for William and Carson. Money well spent. (This is scary. I'm beginning to sound like Curt mentioning all our money-saving.)

We have spent most of the trip talking about Tripp and Mollie and all the funny things they do. We talk to each other in "Mollienese" most of the time and laugh everytime we see a dog because we know she'd be so excited and scared at the same time. (Blah, blah, blah...people can really go on and on about their kids.... now, I really get it!) Bottom line, we have really missed them and are looking forward to seeing them today. Thank you Kaye and Curtis for keeping the babies for us and letting us get away for a few days. We love you!

Happy New Year to all our people!