We have had the best weekend. We expected to have a rainy, yucky kind of day but my,my, we had some sunshine INSIDE our house! These babies kept us entertained the whole rainy weekend! Please forgive me if there are any typos in this blog because I am typing in the dining room with everyone within arms reach. It is loud and chaotic but we wouldn't have it any other way!
Tripp has started holding his bottle some of the time! This is a huge milestone for us. Yeah Tripp! He has also been playing on his pallet alot (sitting up I might add!) and Mollie is learning to share toys with him. She became very interested in all his new toys from Christmas so we had to teach her how to "show" Tripp how they work. She really wanted them all to herself!
Mollie has learned that Tripp laughs when she acts silly so she really turns it on when he is watching her. She runs and screams when he is in the high chair and he just giggles at her! Mollie loves her new found audience of one! (Of course, we get a kick out of watching them laugh at each other.)
Curt's naptime was hilarious! Mollie stuck a medicine dropper in his mouth while he was snoring. I was cracking up watching him politely pretend to take his "medsin" (medicine) and go right back to sleep. During another nap (yes, Curt napped more than once), Mollie woke up before Curt and started pointing ot the ceiling saying "up, daddy, up"! Curt tried to ignore her but she started prying open his eyes with her fingers. He turned his head to the side to avoid potential eye injuries, she waited awhile, and then sat on his neck. When she started jumping on his neck, Curt decided it was time to get up with her. No more naptime for Daddy!
The highlight of our weekend was our trip to PetSmart. Mollie loved to see all the dogs the customers brought in. Well, truthfully, she likes the big dogs! The cute little dogs scare her so badly she stops breathing for a minute. The little ones are too fast and yappy for our Mollie. Tripp and his daddy walked around looking at the fishtanks while Mollie and I perched on the doggy beds and watch a doggy obedience class. She sat mesmerized until one of the tiniest dogs came out of the class and she hyperventilated! Hilarious! We watched dogs getting groomed and watched the birds in their cages. So much fun (and all for free!). Saturday night fun.
On to Ichiban Hibachi Grill.... Our cook "Steve" was very kind to the kids and put on a good show for them. The fire was a hit! The kids loved the egg juggling routine and watching the knives. There was a table of 7 or 8 year old little girls next to us that Mollie was really interested in. She waved and waved at them (and stared and stared). They never saw her. Poor Mollie, but she had a great time watching them!
Its really funny to hear new things come out of Mollie's mouth. This weekend she has started saying "let's see" when starting a new task, and "okay" (with a long drawn out oooooo) at just random times. Curt says she got both of these from her mommy. I must say it sounds strangely familiar when I hear my words coming back at me!
The weekends are so short, but we love the time we get to spend with the babies.