These pictures were taken of Tripp and Mollie as we were getting ready to load up for school. (and we wonder why we can't get to school on time, haha!) We were having a good morning and everybody was in a somewhat happy mood so I took the time to grab a few shots.
Tripp is weighing almost 22 pounds at 7 1/2 months and is about to outgrow his infant car seat. Curt and I enjoy him so much because he is really a happy baby (when he is full and rested!) and changing so much every day. He is rolling everywhere finally and loves to "talk" to you. He and Mollie are starting to entertain each other and it's really cute to watch them make each other smile. Sometimes when Tripp is in his high chair waiting for his food, Mollie will run back and forth around the kitchen so Tripp will watch her and giggle. We can't wait to see that relationship form between the two and see them learn to take care of each other. At this point, Tripp just needs to learn to defend himself when she "loves" (pounds) on his back and slobbers all over his face. It will happen one day soon!
Little Miss Mollie is learning so much and her vocabulary is growing every day. When Curt and the kids got home the other night I heard her saying "Hey, baby" to Tripp. Curt had just said that to me so we got a big laugh about her repeating everything. Also, when Tripp is crying for a bottle, she starts pointing her finger at him and saying "hush it, Twipa. hush! no, no bite Twipa, be nice!" He is just steadily crying for his bottle and she gets louder with each rant. It is hilarious because we know she is just repeating what her teacher has said in class.
Mollie is also learning to obey. This is a battle of the wills at time but we try to make a really big deal out of it when she makes the right choice and does what we ask. We are learning to not chase her down or struggle with her, we just simply tell her what she needs to do, and if she doesn't do it, we warn her that she will get a spanking. So far, that warning usually does it. We've only had to spank her a few times but Curt and I are real proud of ourselves when we do! We still can't believe we're grown-ups with kids!